Brainwaves started as a passion project during my studies. This three-month-long solo project took me on a journey through various tasks, from character design to music composition, and from marketing to testing. It was a lot of hard work, but I ended up learning a great deal from it. The project received a final rating of 9/10 and I even received the 'Best Presentation' award for it.
Brainwaves is a game about perspective and hope, and how these two 'simple' things can make our lives easier and better. It's a game about battling your inner demons, thinking positively and seeing your way of thinking impact the world around you.

Unlike other games, Brainwaves has a unique difficulty curve. While the levels get harder and harder at the beginning, the main character eventually gets a major shift in behavior. Now realizing the levels are only as difficult as the player expects them to be, the levels eventually get easier.
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